Building regulations update 2022

Building Regulations change to ensure gigabit connectivity

House under construction

Building regulations change to compel gigabit ready infastructure.

From 26 December 2022 the Building Regulations 2010 (Infrastructure for Electronic Communications) will change to compel the inclusion of gigabit-capable connections in new build residential dwellings.

This will ensure all new build residential dwellings have future-proof digital connectivity. This change is welcomed by Superfast South Yorkshire. Since 2019, Superfast South Yorkshire have been consulted by Local Planning Authorities regarding gigabit-capable broadband in commercial and residential developments. This has led to planning conditions on all major applications and informative notes on minor planning applications. This has ensured premises are built with a high standard of digital connectivity from the outset. To date (as of March 2024,) Superfast South Yorkshire have been consulted on more than 590 planning applications relating to 29,740 premises.

Moving forward, Superfast South Yorkshire will work with building control departments across the region to ensure these changes to the building regulations are reflected in building regulation compliance for residential developments. Superfast South Yorkshire will continue to be consulted on commercial developments and ensure appropriate gigabit-capable broadband planning conditions are recommended.

Guidance for developers on registering developments with network operators can be found here.

Detailed information on the changes to building regulations can be found within section 1 (page 2) of " Approved Document R Volume1: Physical infrastructure and network connection for new dwellings"